
This page describes installation of pog and how you can integrate it into your own project.

Getting source code

At first, you’ll need to obtain source code. If you want the latest released version, which should always be stable, you can download one from GitHub releases page. If you want to get the latest development version or you are intersted in the development of the library, you can also get the source code using git. To clone the repository run:

git clone


In order to use pog, you will need:

  • C++ compiler with C++17 support

  • CMake 3.8+

  • re2

  • fmt

You can install them from your distribution repositories. For Ubuntu based distributions use:

apt-get install libfmt-dev libre2-dev

For Red Hat based distributions use:

dnf install fmt-devel re2-devel

For macOS use:

brew install fmt re2

There is also an option to download re2 or fmt while building the project. See Compilation for more information regarding this.


pog itself is header-only library but it has dependencies which are not header-only. To compile it run:

cmake --build . --target install

Other options you can use:

  • POG_BUNDLED_RE2 - Bundled re2 will be used. It will be compiled and installed as libpog_re2.a (or pog_re2.lib on Windows) together with the library. (Default: OFF)

  • POG_BUNDLED_FMT - Bundled fmt will be used. It will be compiled and installed as libpog_fmt.a (or pog_fmt.lib on Windows) together with the library. (Default: OFF)

  • POG_TESTS - Build tests located in tests/ folder. (Default: OFF)

  • POG_EXAMPLES - Build examples located in examples/ folder. (Default: OFF)

  • POG_PIC - Build position independent code. (Default: OFF)


Option POG_PIC does not have any effect if you do not neither of POG_BUNDLED_RE2 or POG_BUNDLED_FMT. Libraries installed in your system are not guaranteed to be position independent.


pog will be installed together with CMake configuration files which make integration into other CMake projects much more easier. If you use CMake in your project put following lines in your CMakeLists.txt file and that should be it.

find_package(pog REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(<YOUR_TARGET> pog::pog)

For projects which use other build systems, you can use pkgconfig files which are installed too. To obtain which compilation flags are needed run following commands in your shell or integrate it directly into your build system.

pkg-config --cflags pog
pkg-config --libs pog

To use pog from your source code, include file <pog/pog.h>. Everything in pog is located inside pog namespace. Example:

#include <pog/pog.h>

int main()
    pog::Parser<Value> parser;

    // your parser definition