
Debugging errors in parser can be a hard process since its whole complexity and the amount of data and code you need to go through to even reach the source of your problems. This sections describes some options you have to debug the problems in your parser.

HTML report

You are able to generate HTML report out of your parser. The output is HTML file which contains full parsing table, contains information about LR automaton and it even includes Graphviz representation of LR automaton. In order to generate HTML report, initialize it with your Parser after you’ve prepared it.

Parser<Value> parser;

// tokens & rules

// Don't forget to first call prepare()

HtmlReport html(parser);"parser.html");

You can now open parser.html in your current working directory and inspect the inner structure of your parser.

LR automaton

Generated HTML report will contain Graphviz representation of LR automaton at the very bottom. Copy it over to some other file and run following command to turn it into PNG image.

dot -Tpng -o automaton.png <INPUT_FILE>